About Bush Adventure Therapy

COVID-19 Support Resources

This page will be updated with resources from webinars. To suggest additional resources please contact [email protected].

Immediate support services

COVID-specific support resources

BAT and outdoor specific

Recurring events

Physical health

Mental health

Financial or employment related

Tenancy advice/advocacy

Vic – https://www.tenantsvic.org.au/
SA – https://www.syc.net.au/home/housing-support/tias/
NSW – https://www.tenants.org.au/
QLD – https://tenantsqld.org.au/
Tas – http://tutas.org.au/
WA – http://tenancywa.org.au

AABAT Community Resources

The AABAT state representatives may also be able to help you find additional resources that are local to your region.

Other shared resources

Type of resourceDescriptionLink
ConferenceRegistration for world’s largest online
suicide prevention conference
for mental health professionals.
LIVE   16-17 May 2020
 ON-DEMAND   18 May – 7 June 2020
Online courseFree online Leadership Professional Development Program from La Trobe University
3 modules, each with 4-6 hrs of learning
Online courseFree online COVID-19 Infection Control Training from the Australian Government Department of Health
1 x 30 minute module
Online courseFree online ‘micro-credentials’ and skill set courses from TAFE QLDhttps://tafeqld.edu.au/campaign-pages/Covid-19-Response.html
PodcastYoung Athlete Podcast – Tips to Keep Active and Engagedhttps://www.youngathletepodcast.com/
PracticalSmiling Mind

Free mindfulness tool that has specific sessions for adults, young people, families, work etc. Great for supporting co-regulation, being present and beginning reflection. Web and app based
PracticalConversation in Isolation call line and facebook group. Hosted by medical students to support those isolated by COVID. https://www.facebook.com/convoiniso/
Call 0492 837 888
[email protected]
PracticalGROW free group mental wellness programs onlinehttps://www.grow.org.au/
PracticalCompeer – promoting good mental health through meaningful friendshipshttps://compeer.org/?fbclid=IwAR0pTRnqSc6hklH7d0YpBXKMyadJGGLm_kdSfC-Qi5PLAeF2LJ4LzvYxSig
PracticalCalm Together – free mindfulness and meditation resources for kids and adultshttps://blog.calm.com/take-a-deep-breath?fbclid=IwAR2IWrMomwT7R94b-WQSlJrAVc3L8fQz3KQuhX46Vr1zc0NgL88VX0DL_9w
Professional resourceNeurosequential Network Model Covid resources
Short video webinars

Patterns of stress determine risk and resilience (Video 1)
Understanding State-Dependent Functioning (Video 2)
Emotional Contagion (Video 3)
Sequence of engagement (Video 4)
Understanding regulation (Video 5)
Dosing and spacing (Video 6)
Recorded webinarRecording of a webinar hosted by Muddy Boots Adventures to generate and share ideas for Virtual Experiential Therapy.
Activities are also outlined in text on their website.

Activity text: http://muddybootsadventures.net/
Social mediaThe Kindness Pandemic facebook page

Stories of kindness during the pandemic. Started in Australia but now global.
WebsiteResource for people wanting to support other peoplehttps://www.mentalhealthacademy.com.au/
WebsiteHow to support others to heal from trauma https://www.childtrauma.org/ 
WebsiteEmerging Minds – Resources for those working with mental health of young peoplehttps://emergingminds.com.au/ 
WebsitePandemic toolkit for parentshttps://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/pulling-through/202004/the-pandemic-toolkit-parents-need?eml

Educational resources

Type of resourceDescriptionLink
Model of deliveryOutdoor Journeys is an approach that enables pupils to learn about the people and place in which they live. By planning and undertaking local journeys, pupils are able to learn across the curriculum in a manner that is active, holistic and contextualised.http://outdoorjourneys.org.uk/
WebsiteShort courses related to PE and outdoor educationhttps://community.connectedpe.com/
WebsiteCollaborative naturalist spacehttps://www.inaturalist.org/
WebsiteAustralian and international scouts have moved to a model of Scouting@Home.
Resources for activities to do at home.