The breadth of work of the Australian Bush Adventure Therapy network (now AABAT) was shaped and agreed upon by all those present at the Australian Bush Adventure Therapy Forum (South Australia, August 2007):
- To promote Bush Adventure Therapy as a credible and beneficial form of therapeutic intervention:
- Support on-going research and evaluation
- Retrieve, analyse and disseminate “practice wisdom” and “program stories” to broader communities
- Contribute to the continued evolution of BAT definitions and terminology
- Document and promote common BAT language, theoretical frameworks and practice
- To refine and uphold safe and ethical practices within the Bush Adventure Therapy community:
- Conduct regular meetings to discuss practice-related issues
- Develop and disseminate common practice guidelines for BAT, including recommended Risk Management guidelines for special target populations
- Provide a forum for sharing program resources and documentation
- To provide opportunities to share, analyse and promote stories of success:
- Support professional networking
- Conduct regular forums / conferences
- Organise training events
- To maintain an open forum for discussion and exchange of resources amongst the BAT community:
- Conduct regular regional meetings to discuss practice-related topics
- Develop inclusive communication strategies, including refinement of the AABAT contacts database, a website and ‘e- communications’
- Coordinate annual forums to celebrate successes and challenges together
- To represent the community and practice of BAT to relevant professional bodies, associations and organisations:
- Encourage community-wide participation in BAT decisions and directions, using agreed-upon decision-making processes
- Provide an inclusive approach that considers issues across genders, cultures and target-groups
- Support a respectful evolution of this professional community
- Work towards increased understanding of the breadth of BAT practice in the wider community