Bush Adventure Therapy is a diverse field of practice combining adventure and outdoor environments with the intention to achieve therapeutic outcomes for those involved.
The Australian Association for Bush Adventure Therapy Inc is the nationally representative body for practitioners who have a professional interest in supporting, developing and promoting the field of Bush Adventure Therapy.
The Australian Association for Bush Adventure Therapy Inc is made up of practitioners who seek to support, develop and promote the field of Bush Adventure Therapy.
The Australian Association for Bush Adventure Therapy Inc provides leadership, representation and support to those with a professional interest in using adventure and the outdoors to achieve therapeutic outcomes in their work.
Intended Actions
- To promote Bush Adventure Therapy as a credible and beneficial form of therapeutic intervention
- To refine and uphold safe and ethical practices within the Bush Adventure Therapy community
- To provide opportunities to share, analyse and promote stories of success:
- To maintain an open forum for discussion and exchange of resources amongst the BAT community
- To represent the community and practice of BAT to relevant professional bodies, associations and organisations
AABAT operates on a non-profit basis
The assets and income of the association shall be applied solely in furtherance of its abovementioned roles, purpose and intended actions and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the association except as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the organisation.
To view our full constitution and rules visit this link: